Pyramid Environmental offers a full line of geophysical capabilities. We have experience in a wide variety of geographical areas and projects, including hazardous waste sites, underground storage tanks, landfills, dumpsites, geologic hazards, and groundwater studies.
Visit our Geophysical Services website
Situations Where Geophysical Techniques are used:
- Landfill delineation and characterization
- Characterization and depth to bedrock, permeable pathways for groundwater flow
- Investigation of boring sites for interferences; soil, gas probe sites for interferences
- Location of Underground Storage Tanks, landfills, abandoned wells, utilities, rebar, cables, drums and voids
- Water supply investigations, hydrogeologic site characterization, and groundwater quality mapping
Geophysical Techniques:
Electromagnetic Induction and Magnetrometry
Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR)
Multi-Electrode Electrical Resistivity (MER)
Seismic Refraction and Multi-Channel Analysis of Surface Waves (MASW)
More about Geophysical Services

Pyramid assists our clients in determining the potential for latent environmental liability in a timely and confidential … [Read More...]

Pyramid Environmental has deployed state-of-the-art seismographic equipment for the benefit of their customers. … [Read More...]
Pyramid offers Multi-Electrode Electrical Resistivity Tomography services. … [Read More...]
Pyramid Environmental uses in-house electromagnetic geophysical equipment for a wide variety of environmental … [Read More...]

Corporate Certifications Registered North Carolina Board of Examiners for Engineers and Surveyors—License … [Read More...]