In past newsletters we have provided a variety of geophysical case study examples that Pyramid has completed over the years. These projects have showcased methods such as electrical resistivity, seismic testing, electromagnetics and ground penetrating radar that were used to investigate the … [Read more...]
July 2020 Newsletter: Density Anomalies and Geophysics – Concepts and Methods
In general, the density of the earth increases with depth, from a lighter silicic crust (or basalt in the oceans) to a sequence of denser, more metallic rocks from the mantle to the inner core. This is what we expect when digging or drilling into the earth. But occasionally we are surprised by the … [Read more...]
October 2019 Newsletter: Seismic Geophysical Surveys to Examine Bedrock Depth and Integrity
The Triassic Basin soil and rock formations in the Durham, North Carolina, region provide challenges for geotechnical design and construction. These formations consist of highly heterogenous stratigraphy including sands, silts and clays overlying a weathered rock unit that can contain boulders, … [Read more...]
January 2019 Newsletter: Applying Applied Geophysics
The geophysical technologies we use for our typical projects are part of a vast spectrum of physical wave energy technologies used in a wide swath of applications. Our techniques and expertise are concentrated on the types of technologies that work best in the dirty, wet, dense and occasionally … [Read more...]
December 2017 Newsletter: Approaches to Environmental Assessments
As environmental consultants, we are tasked with formulating an environmental assessment plan that will answer as many questions as possible, as thoroughly as possible, for the least amount of cost and effort. Size of the land (acreage), buildings and improvements, history, location and topography … [Read more...]