Pyramid Environmental has deployed state-of-the-art seismographic equipment for the benefit of their customers. … [Read more...]
Electrical Resistivity
Pyramid offers Multi-Electrode Electrical Resistivity Tomography services. … [Read more...]
Ground Penetrating Radar | GPR
Pyramid Environmental has years of experience utilizing Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) equipment and processing software to analyze geologic site conditions, evaluate the nature and integrity of subsurface strata, and locate buried objects such as UST's, drums, or waste/debris. We typically use our … [Read more...]
Electromagnetics (EM)
Pyramid Environmental uses in-house electromagnetic geophysical equipment for a wide variety of environmental applications to solve our client's problems. Pyramid uses the Geonics EM31 and EM61 systems to perform our magnetometer surveys. The EM31 measures changes in subsurface ground conductivity … [Read more...]
Certifications and Affiliations
Corporate Certifications Registered North Carolina Board of Examiners for Engineers and Surveyors—License C-1251 Registered North Carolina Board for Licensing of Geologists— License C-257 Registered Environmental Consultant (REC) North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural … [Read more...]